Articles Tagged with bicycle accidents

Spring is officially here and Boston bicycle enthusiasts are ready to get rolling. bicycle12

Our Boston bicycle accident attorneys want to stress for those eager to finally get back out on two wheels that there are a few things you can do to make your trip safer. While of course you cannot make motorists pay attention, drive sober or exercise caution, you can make yourself obvious. You can ride defensively. You can make sure your bike is in good condition. You can wear a helmet and other safety gear to lessen your chances of serious injury.

May is National Bike Month, and it’s designed to promote the many benefits of cycling and encourage more people to try it. According to The League of American Bicyclists, the overall growth of bicycle commuting has grown by 62 percent from 2000 to 2013. In Boston, we’ve seen an explosion of bike commuting – a 122 percent increase in that same time period. It’s increasing by further leaps and bounds as tourists and residents become acquainted with Hubway, the low-cost, city-sponsored bike and helmet rental system.  Continue reading

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