Quincy Man Hospitalized After Car Crashes into a Home

A male driver on Quarry Street in Quincy, smashed into a home with such a severe impact that he had to be transported to Southshore Medical Center, on Sunday. He was driving downhill, and for unknown reasons the vehicle swerved off the pavement, initially colliding with a couple of vehicles in a driveway before hitting the house. Quincy car crash into home

Witnesses living nearby could see the aftermath of the collision, the truck protruding from the home. One witness noted that the driver was conscious immediately after the crash, but appeared confused. Several neighbors rushed to the scene. A neighbor of the home reported that this is not the first time a vehicle has crashed into that house, and not the first time that particular portion of the house was hit. The house was empty at the time of this accident.

Multiple Car Accidents on One Road Over Time

Where multiple car accidents happen on the same road in a city, a Massachusetts personal injury attorney will look to the road conditions as a potential cause of the accident. A victim of poorly maintained roads must actually show that the condition of the road was the cause of the accident which injured the victim. Once that is established, negligence on the part of the government or entity controlling the road must also be established. This means showing that they did not do something that would have made the road safe or safer.

Such a case may not be as simple as suing the city in which the road is located. There may be a particular department that has control, or maybe the county has responsibility in maintaining the road and not the city. Sometimes, liability may fall on the state itself. However, the victim must keep in mind that certain government players have protection from lawsuits known as “sovereign immunity”. This is why an experienced personal injury attorney on your side is crucial to determine if a certain agency that is at fault has opened itself up to litigation. Such an attorney will also know whether Massachusetts has set guidelines or regulations about its departments that govern how they can be sued.

The attorney at the Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers are well versed in personal injury litigation and are happy to listen to you story to start a case. Call (617) 777-7777 today.

Note for readers: Information provided in this post is gathered from secondary sources and not independently confirmed for accuracy. Please bring to our attention any inaccuracies that may be included so they may be corrected, or information removed as requested.

DISCLAIMER: Information provided in this post is not intended to be used as legal or medical advice, nor disrespect the victims or families in any way.  We are providing this post for general information on everyday tragedies and presented in a manner to protect and honor the victims and their families.  Minor differences can change the outcome of cases, based on jurisdictional laws.  The information provided in this post should not be relied upon as legal or medical advice.  We suggest seeking assistance from legal or medical professionals for your personal circumstance, when necessary.


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