
Incident in Cambridge Brings to Light Bike Safety

Bicyclists can be some of the most vulnerable parties on the road because they are not protected by a vehicle.

Police in the Cambridge area are searching for a driver who hit a biker with a car door earlier this month. Because of this incident, safety advocates are calling for better precautions.

A 23-year-old biker was hit when the driver of a blue BMW opened his door and caused the biker to fall onto Sydney Street. This was a hit-and-run situation.

When drivers are acting negligently or recklessly, they could do serious damage to other vulnerable parties on the road like pedestrians and bicyclists. It is important for drivers to recognize they have a duty of care to other people on the road. If they breach the duty of care, they could be held liable for the accident and for the damages done.

At the Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers, we know how serious bicycle accidents can be. We want to help raise awareness about bicycle safety in our community. When accidents do happen, we are also here to help victims recover their rights.

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Disclaimer: At our firm, we wish to honor the victims of these tragedies and give general information to the public about accident news. We do not wish to disrespect parties and do not want this information to be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. Do not rely on this information exclusively, and instead seek the help of a trusted attorney moving forward.

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