
Are there “Leash Laws” in Massachusetts?

Annually, canines bite or fight with nearly 5 million individuals in this country. These attacks usually occur because the domesticated dog was not on a leash or otherwise restrained in public venues.

Massachusetts general laws, chapter 140, section 173, would be the states “leash law” that requires an animal in public on a leash at all times. You should also check the laws in your local city and town for added restrictions.

If an owner of a dog does not follow the laws and regulations of Massachusetts and the town, and another person is injured by the dog, the owner will likely be facing a personal injury lawsuit known as a “dog bite claim.”

Consequences of Not Leashing A Dog

If you have been injured by a dog bite or dog attack you are entitled to compensation for the harm, medical expenses, lost income, and any other damages resulting therefrom. Massachusetts state law holds any harm from a dog to its owner.

A successful dog bite personal injury lawsuit can often turn on whether the owner should have even known that a dog bite would occur. This means that if the dog never attacked or hurt anyone before, then the owner should not be liable for  harm it didn’t know was possible. However, if the dog has a history of biting or attacking people, the owner is clearly liable for any harm caused because the dog was not leashed.  A skilled Massachusetts personal injury lawyer may also be able to argue that the knowledge of the owner of the risk of the dog is irrelevant and the simple fact that the owner violated state law – by not leashing the dog – should make the owner liable. There is nothing you would need to prove about the owner’s knowledge in this scenario.

If you are dealing with injuries from an unleashed dog attack, you may be able to file a lawsuit. Let the lawyers of the Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers put their skills and knowledge to work for you by calling them today at (617) 777-7777.

DISCLAIMER: Information provided in this post is not intended to be used as legal or medical advice, nor disrespect the victims or families in any way.  We are providing this post for general information on everyday tragedies and presented in a manner to protect and honor the victims and their families.  Minor differences can change the outcome of cases, based on jurisdictional laws.  The information provided in this post should not be relied upon as legal or medical advice.  We suggest seeking assistance from legal or medical professionals for your personal circumstance, when necessary.

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