
Student Injured in Pedestrian Accident on UMASS Amherst Campus

As we recently reported on our Boston Personal Injury Attorney Blog, there are some important and beneficial changes that have been proposed to state government to make our roadways safer for pedestrians. WalkBoston has made these proposals to officials and say they are the key to making our roadways safer for everyone, especially for pedestrians. In 2009, there were about 100 pedestrians killed on our state’s roadways. If something doesn’t change, we’ll continue to lose precious lives.

Just recently, there was another pedestrian accident in Massachusetts, this one on North Pleasant Street on the University of Massachusetts campus. In this case, a young female pedestrian was struck by a passing vehicle. Our state and the city of Boston necessitates on-foot commuting for many residents, students and visitors. Walking and biking are some of the most popular and convenient ways to get around town. Even with our roadways flooded with these vulnerable travelers, motor vehicle drivers continuously fail to recognize these people. They are simply overlooked and disregarded on our roadways. Much of this is the fault of roadway design and laws too, not just motorists.

Our Massachusetts pedestrian accident attorneys understand that the recent pedestrian accident that significantly injured the young student was serious enough to require three responding officers, yellow caution tape and blocked roadways. Reports indicate that there was shattered glass and blood covering the roadway. Unfortunately, this isn’t an uncommon sight in the area.

“UMass Amherst has recently been beset by motor vehicle vs. pedestrian accidents that have resulted in serious bodily injury to the pedestrians,” states the UMASS Amherst Police Department‘s website.

The University’s website also points out a very important pedestrian safety law, the one that states that a driver can be issued a citation if he or she doesn’t not stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk, unless the traffic light says otherwise or if a pedestrian is not within five feet of a car’s side of the road. Still, pedestrians should never assume a crosswalk is safe only because they technically have the right of way.

Pedestrian Safety Tips from the UMASS Amherst Police Department:

-Pay full attention to your surroundings while walking.

-Always walk on a sidewalk. If you have to walk on the road, do it so that you’re facing traffic.

-Dress so that motorists can see you easily.

-When walking at night, put some reflective material on your shoes, hat or your jacket. These reflectors will reflect light from the headlights of the vehicles coming toward you and make you more visible to motorists.

-Only cross the street at crosswalks.

-Stop at the curb before crossing the street to look in all directions.

If you or someone who is close to you has been injured in a pedestrian accident in the Greater Boston Area or elsewhere in the state, contact Massachusetts Personal Injury Attorney Jeffrey S. Glassman for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your rights. Call (617) 777-7777.

More Blog Entries:

Boston Road Safety, Part 6: Pedestrians, Boston Personal Injury Attorney Blog, February 6, 2012

Millions at Risk for Pedestrian Accidents in Boston, Boston Personal Injury Attorney Blog, January 13, 2012

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