
Paying for Medical Bills After a Car Accident

If you have been injured in a car accident, do not wait for you insurance to say they will pay medical bills before seeing a doctor. Because this will never happen. You must first incur the treatment and pay the bills. The insurance company wants to investigate who is responsible for your injuries before they decide who gets their medical bills reimbursed. This is calculated once the settlement offer is negotiated.

If you are covered by medical insurance, you will not have to jump through any hoops to get treatment for injuries from your car accident. The medical insurance will treat it as any other medical condition. It is the client that does not have medical insurance that will really need the experience of a Massachusetts personal injury attorney. Attorneys like those at the Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers can make clear to providers that your case is strong and you should be treated now and they will get paid later. There is special legal documentation that your lawyer would provide to the treating physician. Keep in mind, this means any settlement you agree to, part of it will go to pay for that treatment. Even in this scenario, a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can negotiate your medical bill at the end of the case so that you take home more of your settlement.


Contact the Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers right away at  (617) 777-7777, don’t delay your treatment.

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