
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Preventing Child Injury

Do you go through your medicine cabinet ever?

The truth of the matter is that we should all take the time to do so because there’s a good chance there are expired or unused drugs in there. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), these drugs can be a serious safety hazard for young children, for teens and for other members of your household.

Our Boston personal injury lawyers are urging adults to take an inventory of their medicines. You want to check the expiration dates for prescription medications and even over-the-counter medicines. If you’ve got any leftover medicines, you want to safely dispose of them!

On the 29th of September, officials with the NSC are conducting the 5th National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. From 10am to 2pm, local communities throughout the country will be collecting unused prescriptions and will safely dispose of them. There are a number of National Takeback Initiative Collection Sites in the state of Massachusetts. Find one near you!

Drugs can affect both your body and your mind in a number of ways and is greatly determined by the dosage. Kids who try drugs may see a change in their mood, in their appearance and in their development. Some of the most common side effects of being on drugs include anxiety, dizziness, confusion, paranoia, sleepiness and even hunger. Because young brains ard still developing, children run a serious risk of developing lifelong disabilities when consuming drugs not prescribed to them. These young ones are also more prone to overdose because of their size.

Why should I safely dispose of my unused medicines?

-Once a medicine has expired, it’s no longer effective. These drugs can be dangerous to your health, especially if you have certain medical conditions.

-Recommendations can change on your drugs and even on over-the-counter medicines. For example, cold medicines in many cases are no longer made for children under 5. Before they were recommended. Be sure you have newer medications and drugs to ensure safe dosages.

-Unused and leftover medicines can be of harm to kids and teens and other who might not understand that it’s dangerous to take drugs they’re not prescribed.

-Some prescription medicines, like painkillers, can be removed from your home without your knowledge and contribute to your community’s drug abuse problem. You never know who has an eye on your medicine cabinet.

When you break it down, drugs are defined as any kind of substance other than food that has the ability to change the way your mind and/or your body functions. Drugs have some serious side affects and these affects can be fatal to children and teens. Not only are these addictive, but they’re dangerous and can have some lasting effects on kids! Make sure that you take the proper safety precautions to protect your young ones and get rid of your unwanted prescriptions and other drugs on National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day!

If you or your child has been injured, contact Injury Attorney Jeffrey S. Glassman for a free and confidential appointment to discuss your case. Call 877-617-5333.

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